Distancing Himself from Far Left Democrat’s will Help Biden to Unify US
Here’s something interesting about what I read today. The far-left Democrats expect Biden, once elected, to lean towards their agenda, but they are in for a big surprise. It would not be smart for Biden to follow dead-end policies, unless threatened by his running mate, Kamala Harris, which would ultimately disappoint the centrists who voted for him.
Looking at it, no end to Biden’s bumpy road; his most challenging challenge will be to reach out to the 73 million people who don’t want him inside the White House. It is unfair to expect him to win the hearts and minds of millions, regardless of what he does, but he could alleviate the strain by reaching out to his long-time Republican colleagues. He needs to convince the Trump supporters that they will not be tracked down by any secret police, ruin their livelihoods, and erase their identities.