Lebanon previous chief Hassan Diab escaped to the US to keep away from cross-examination

John Smith
3 min readSep 16, 2021


Following 13 months, Lebanon at long last had another administration. Recently, the previous head Hassan Diab, being scrutinized for liability in the Beirut port blast on August 4, 2020, in which 200 individuals kicked the bucket, escaped to the United States to try not to be questioned by the Beirut investigators office, proprietor of the examination concerning the blast. “Diab escaped to the United States, formally to visit his kids,” Lebanese TV Al Jadid (NewTV) said today, affirming what was recently detailed by other Beirut media. To be addressed, Judge Tareq Bitar had more than once welcomed Hassan Diab.

The previous chief was on the rundown of nine in number institutional characters, examined with the allegation of not having done what’s needed to keep away from the fiasco notwithstanding monitoring the presence, in the port of Beirut, of the 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate. With the declaration of the development of the new government, driven by Najib Miqati, the institutional insusceptibility that Hassan Diab delighted in as active head has additionally finished. Now, he needed to introduce for addressing between five days. Be that as it may, as indicated by Lebanese media reports, Diab left for the United States without the Lebanese boundary police keeping the previous leader from leaving the country.

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Toward the beginning of July, Hassan Diab was prosecuted alongside three previous clergymen. As indicated by a similar source, for the ensuing cross-examination planned for September 20, Judge Tarek Bitar requested the security powers to capture Hassan Diab. The blast of August 4, 2020, of a few hundred tons of ammonium nitrate, put away for quite a long time in the port — “without insurance” by the public authority’s affirmation — left 214 dead and more than 6,500 harmed, whole destroying neighborhoods of the capital. Likewise in July, Judge Bitar requested Parliament to lift the insusceptibility from three delegates who have held clerical posts “to record charges for expected lethal plan” and “carelessness and unfortunate behavior.”

Pioneers blamed for having made a special effort to destroy the examination

Parliament has wouldn’t lift the resistance of the parliamentarians concerned, while the inside serve has not permitted Tarek Bitar to scrutinize the head of general security Abbas Ibrahim. The decision class is blamed for having done everything to destroy examinations and stay away from allegations. Thursday’s choice by Judge Bitar, blamed for “politicizing” the examination, specifically by the amazing favorable to Iranian Shiite party Hezbollah, comes in the result of a letter sent by the Council of Ministers contending “established obstructions” to legitimize Hassan Diab’s choice not to go to the cross-examination meeting.

After completely dismissing a global examination, the Lebanese specialists excused the main adjudicator responsible for the case, Fadi Sawan, subsequent to arraigning senior authorities. Hassan Diab surrendered a couple of days after the blast yet has since kept on expecting his obligations as leader liable for overseeing current issues because of the inability to shape another administration in this country in the midst of political and financial emergencies.

