Morocco: ruler demands resolving the Sahara struggle as per the independence plan

John Smith
2 min readNov 24, 2022


Morocco’s Top dog Mohammed VI reaffirmed yesterday his desire to “resolve the Sahara locale debate based on the Independence Plan inside the system of the sway and regional honesty of the Realm,” the authority Moroccan News Organization has announced.

The Imperial Court put out his announcement after the Moroccan ruler got UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the regal royal residence in Rabat. He confirmed the Realm’s help for the endeavors of the Secretary-General and his agent for the Sahara area, Staffan de Mistura, as well as concerning the UN Mission for the Mandate in Western Sahara (MINURSO), in observing the truce in the locale.

Rabat proposes extended independence in Western Sahara under its sway, while the Polisario Front requires a mandate on self-assurance, a proposition upheld by Algeria, which has outcasts from the district.

Guterres lauded the Realm’s consistent and useful commitments to worldwide harmony. “Morocco is adding to the upkeep and combination of harmony, the fortifying of strength, and the advancement of improvement, particularly in Africa,” said the UN official.

He offered his thanks to Lord Mohammed VI for the progress of the 10th worldwide gathering of the UN Coalition of Civilisations (UNAOC), which was held in Fez on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was the initial occasion when the UNAOC has been held in an African country. Fifty nations took an interest at the ecclesiastical level.

